Mehmet Altıntaş
3 min readJun 19, 2021

The Business Environment

In today’s business world, there are small, medium and large companies and groups against the background of all trade. Also banks, capital owners and investors. In this very large and complex system, company owners and entrepreneurs establish companies according to their needs.

Sole proprietorship

It is a company that usually does small jobs that a person takes on his own name. Generally, it carries out sales and distribution activities or operates in the service sector, its capital is low and its responsibilities are managed from a single source.

Limited liability company

It is a company that is owned by one and more than one people and becomes a partner. Partners’ responsibilities are equal. It is called limited liabiilty company since its name is limited according to the activity of the company. They are companies that have been established by more than one person to gather more business and find investments.

Anonim company

We call the company, the capital of which is determined and divided into shares, which is solely responsible for its debts due to its debts.Joint stock companies can be established for any business and are open to investment by shareholders. Joint-stock company can be established with a single partner.The responsibilities of the partners towards the creditors of the company are limited with the capital they place.The largest company structure is a joint stock company.

The Taxing Environment

Avarage tax

The average tax is the total tax you have paid divided by your total earnings.

Marginal Tax

Marginal tax is a tax calculation to find the tax you will pay in the coming months.


We use many things, machines, etc. to do business in our company.These are products that wear out and need to be replaced.For this, companies have depreciation expenses that they accumulate every year to get these products again.

Dividend Payment Carryback and Carryforward

It is the companies postponing the taxes to the next time or withdrawing them in the opposite position due to the loss in the year they operate.


The Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System is the current tax depreciation system in the USA. Under this system, the capitalized cost of tangible assets is recovered for a certain lifetime with annual deductions for depreciation.

The Financial Environment

1. Insurance Companies

If you are making a risky investment. You should have a guarantee against difficult situations. There are insurance companies that will secure your investment.

2. Financial Advisors

This financial advisor does not lend you money. It supervises your money and investments and advises you to make the best investment.

3. Credit Union

Credit unions are informal banks that provide lending and deposit opportunities within a particular community.

4. Mutual funds / Investment partnerships

These are mutual investment plans. These combine the small savings of individual investors and provide a larger mutual fund. Like cooperatives, for example. Therefore, small investors want to be involved in larger investments. Because it is more reliable.

Money market

The money market is the type of financial market in which funds are traded with a maturity of less than 1 year. Funds in money markets are often used to finance companies’ current assets that can be converted into cash or cash equivalents.

The Capital Market

The capital market is long-term transactions.

Purchase and sale transactions of securities based on debts or equity are made.

Through the shares sold in the capital markets, capital owners can deposit money in the shares of states or companies in order to evaluate their interests.